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First Book Jitters

It's amazing how quickly things happen when you're paying attention to other things. While I was busy grieving the death of my father, I was also trying to distract myself by sending out queries for a romance novella. When I received an offer to publish, it didn't seem real. To be honest, it still doesn't!

I wrote this little romance novella after hitting a huge wall while revising another project. It was a major overhaul, and I was overwhelmed with the structure and involved focus of revisions. So I wrote something for fun. Just for fun, just for me.

And fun it was. It was a world away from mine, a warm retreat in New Orleans filled with fun and love and just a little bit of lies, intrigue and sabotage. It was the refuge I needed. So I thought, "Hey, if I had this much fun writing it, maybe someone else would have fun reading it!" The process of sending it to publishers began.

Soon, it will be available for everyone to read. I'm a little fearful, but I'm a lot more excited. I am so, so grateful to the people along the way who helped this little book see the light of day: my friends, family and the editors at eXtasy Books.

Thanks to everyone involved, and that includes all of you who read Melody's Crescendo!

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